Wednesday, June 07, 2006


Dear Friends, What started out as a bad day today, could possibly be the best day ever. Not only was I reminded of God's provision in time of need, but the most amazing thing happened. Our adoption agency got a new list of referrals of special needs kids yesterday. I didn't know this until I happened to (God is sovereign) peruse their website. This adorable little boy caught my eye (and my heart). Lilly was over my shoulder saying "I think he's the one Mom, I think he's the one!!". As coincidence would have it (God is sovereign), Tiffany from All God's Children called me out of the blue to see how our process was coming along (I hadn't talked to them since April... and we haven't even sent them a check yet). I had to catch my breath when I heard who was calling, like a stirring in my heart. I told her that I saw the website and that a particular child caught my eye....I had even emailed his picture to a few friends earlier today. She asked me who and I told her: Look here Isn't he adorable?!?! Well Tiffany said that they had already presented him to a few families and they passed on him. They all wanted girls.

Is this our baby Samuel? My heart is doing summersaults as I think of him. Now here's the hurdle: We need to raise about $6,000-$10,000 ASAP to begin the process to bring him home.
This is my heartfelt plea to my friends and family to help us bring Samuel home!!! You can donate through paypal by clicking on the link above, or you can mail us a check directly. Please consider helping us to make Sam's dream a reality. We could never thank you enough!!

Jesus said: 'I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!' ~Matthew 25:40

"Come near and rescue me" ~Psalm 69:18
The Lord whispers in the wildreness...
Breathing His Holy breath of hope into the lives of forgotten children...
Kissing their hearts each night with a sacred expectation,
The Father to the fatherless moves in mercy over the face of the earth...
Pleading with us to hear hope's heartbeat....
Charging us to faithfully carry His mantle of mercy...
Calling us to bear His burden for those who lay alone in the fields of the fatherless...
Promising all who will listen that His unfailing love will rest upon them...
As we build a bridge of blessing for an orphan child.
(AGCI 2006)

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